Today Sun 16 Feb 2025 22:55:10 | English | فارسی
Negin Ehya Mines Complex Co

Owning 12 mining companies as well as making jobs – directly and indirectly – for more than 2600 10000 individuals respectively in 10 provinces, Ehya’s mining and related industries holding is one of the largest mining holdings of the private section
Negin Maaden Ehya and its subsidiaries’ main domain of activity include Investing and performing exploration operations, extracting, exploiting, and processing minerals including coal, iron ore (magnetite and hematite), manganese, copper, gold, industrial soil, industrial lime, dolomite, argillite, bauxite, etc. Its most important mines include Qom’s manganese, with 6 mines and satisfying 70% of the manganese ore demand of Iran’s steel industry; iron ore mines, with 4 mines located in Sangan zone; coal mines, with 6 active coals in Tbas, Kerman, Nayband, and Semnan regions; the first active coal washing factory in private section with more than 12 years of experience in Tabas region and supplying 25% coal concentrate demand of mild steel industry; Shahid Nilchian bauxite and argillite mines, which are among the largest and highest quality mines in Iran and Middle East. Negin Maaden Ehya is the largest, private section, supplier of dolomite and lime for the steel industry of Iran.
No. 19, Golha Boulevard, Golha Square, Fatemi Square, Tehran
Telefax: (021) 88631889


Our Address:

Saba Building, Khalili Alley, Saba Blvd, Dr Ali Shariati Ave , Tehran, Iran. Zip Code : 1933814920

Call Us:

Tel: (021) – 28172000
Fax: (021) – 28172000

Office Hours:

Our Support Hotline is available 7 hours a day, Saturday to Wednesday, 8 A.M. to 3 P.M., Iran Time